Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 244 The Media Arrives

As per Poul\'s orders, the room quickly emptied, leaving only Amelia by Mr. Nielsen\'s side.

Curiosity sparked within Amelia as she questioned, "Mr. Nielsen, why did you specifically leave me out?"

A wry smile formed on Mr. Nielsen\'s face as he responded, understanding the inquisitiveness behind Amelia\'s words. "Well, Amelia, you hold a vital position as my executive secretary, and with the impending storm of media attention that awaits me, I want you by my side. I need your expertise to meticulously prepare me for whatever questions the media might throw at me."

Amelia\'s eyes widened slightly, realizing the weight of the responsibility bestowed upon her. She straightened her posture and nodded, ready to face the challenges ahead. With a shared understanding of their roles in this critical moment,

"So, Mr. Nielsen, they might ask why you committed the kidnapping…Sorry for using such incriminating words but the point is they\'ll certainly ask that. I asked Sara while we are on our way back to New York to get a clear view of the situation. She said that she came with you willingly but the media is not going to believe that."

"How should I respond then?" Poul asked.

Amelia took a moment to gather her thoughts, contemplating the best approach to navigate this delicate situation. She maintained her composure, ready to provide the expert advice Mr. Nielsen sought.

"Mr. Nielsen, it\'s crucial to establish a narrative that not only defends your actions but also showcases your integrity and the true nature of the circumstances. While it may seem challenging to convince the media, we must focus on presenting a compelling story backed by facts." 

"Facts huh? Well, Amelia, let\'s say the facts can\'t be told to the media as it must be held confidential, that no one can know even you. What should I do?" Poul inquired.

"Well, Mr. Nielsen, the media is going to get confused. They are going to wonder what relationship you two have had in the past. According to some information, Penelope Ascart didn\'t travel to the United States until 884. So how are they going to build a narrative?" 

"Amelia, I understand your point, but you have to understand me as well. Our past must be kept in utmost secrecy and it must remain that way at all cost. Is there another way?" 

Amelia paused, absorbing Mr. Nielsen\'s words and recognizing the weight of the situation. She understood the importance of maintaining the secrecy surrounding their past, whatever it may entail. With a nod, she composed herself and continued to offer her expertise.

"Mr. Nielsen, I fully understand the need for confidentiality, especially when it comes to our past. We must tread carefully in order to protect both your reputation and the truth we hold. In light of this, it becomes crucial to focus on building a narrative around the present circumstances rather than delving too deeply into the past."

She leaned forward, her voice earnest. "The media will undoubtedly dig for answers, but we can control the information we provide without disclosing sensitive details. We should emphasize the circumstances that brought you and Sara together in the present. It could be framed as a chance encounter, a shared experience, or even a professional relationship."

Amelia met Mr. Nielsen\'s eyes, her determination unwavering. "By focusing on the present, we divert attention from the past while still providing a plausible explanation for your actions. We can highlight the positive impact you\'ve had on Sara\'s life and how you\'re both working together towards a common goal. This approach allows us to shape the narrative without revealing classified information or compromising our past."

Mr. Nielsen leaned back, considering Amelia\'s words. "I see, how about I told the media that it was love at first sight?"

Amelia paused, her brows furrowing slightly as she processed Mr. Nielsen\'s suggestion. She understood his desire to protect their past and maintain secrecy, but the idea of claiming "love at first sight" could be met with skepticism from the media and the public. She chose her words carefully, wanting to offer a balanced perspective.

"Mr. Nielsen, while portraying a connection between you and Sara is essential, claiming \'love at first sight\' may raise more questions than it answers. The media tends to scrutinize such claims, and they may appear overly romanticized or unbelievable. We need to strike a balance between authenticity and plausibility."

"This is hard huh?" Poul muttered under his breath. "Well, since Sara is here with us, why don\'t we let her join the interview? That way she might be the one to explain? Like you know, reassuring the media that I didn\'t force her to come with me." 

Amelia\'s eyes brightened with intrigue as Mr. Nielsen suggested involving Sara in the interview. It was a clever approach that could potentially alleviate some of the doubts and misperceptions surrounding their situation. She considered the idea, recognizing the value of having Sara speak directly to the media.

"Mr. Nielsen, that\'s a thoughtful suggestion. Bringing Sara into the equation would provide an opportunity for her to share her perspective and reassure the media about the nature of her involvement. Her presence in the interview would demonstrate her willingness to participate and shed light on the truth behind our actions."

"So we are in agreement then? We will let Sara participate in the interview."

"Yes, Mr. Nielsen," Amelia affirmed. "Involving Sara in the interview would be a strategic move to address the media\'s concerns and establish a more transparent narrative. Her firsthand account will lend credibility to our claims and help assuage any doubts surrounding your actions. I will get her here now." 

With that, Amelia left and went to where Sara was staying. Amelia informed her of the plan and Sara agreed.

The two returned to the office, and inside, they saw the media from the New York Times, The Globe, and The Washington Post gathered, their notepads ready to capture every word and expression.

Amelia led Sara to a designated area, providing her with a few moments to compose herself before facing the journalists. She reminded her of the key points they had discussed and encouraged her to speak from the heart, emphasizing her willingness and the positive impact Mr. Nielsen had on her life.

As the interview commenced, the reporters fired questions at Mr. Nielsen, probing into his motivations and the nature of his relationship with Sara. Mr. Nielsen remained calm and composed, answering tactfully while Amelia stood nearby, ready to provide support if needed.

After a series of questions, Amelia stepped forward, introducing Sara to the media as someone who could shed light on their unique circumstances. The journalists turned their attention to Sara. 

"Your Highness," One of the reporters mentioned.

"Indeed I am. I am formerly called Penelope Ascart but in this country, I\'m Sara Olsen, a nurse working in the clinic. And I would like to assure you that Mr. Nielsen didn\'t force nor kidnap me. I came here in my own volition and with a purpose."

"In that case, Ms. Olsen. Can we at least know why?"

"No," Sara firmly rejected. "That is the only thing that you should know."

Poul and Amelia glanced at Sara with a surprised expressions. The tactic that she used was unexpected, but Amelia quickly realized the significance of Sara\'s response. It was a calculated move to redirect the narrative, leaving the media intrigued and hungry for more information while maintaining the confidentiality they desired.

Amelia stepped forward, her voice steady and composed. "Gentlemen, I understand your curiosity, but we must respect Sara\'s wishes. The purpose of this interview is to shed light on the present circumstances and if Ms. Olsen assured that she wasn\'t forced, then there\'s nothing to warrant further speculation or probing into her personal motivations. Why don\'t we talk about the success of Axelsen and Nielsen Company at the World\'s Fair?" 

Amelia shifted the focus of the conversation smoothly, redirecting the journalists\' attention away from Sara\'s refusal to disclose her reasons. She knew that discussing the achievements of the company would not only distract the media but also showcase Mr. Nielsen\'s professional accomplishments, further cementing his reputation as a successful entrepreneur.

The reporters, intrigued by Amelia\'s suggestion, began to steer the conversation toward the company\'s recent achievements. Mr. Nielsen, now more at ease with the direction of the interview, confidently discussed the groundbreaking technologies that Axelsen and Nielsen Company had unveiled at the World\'s Fair. 

He eloquently described the impact these advancements would have on various industries and emphasized their significance to the country\'s economy and prestige. 

After two hours, the interview ended with Poul, Amelia, and Sara heaving a huge sigh of relief.

"That was good, Amelia. Thank you."

"I\'m simply doing my work, Mr. Nielsen," Amelia said. 

"Stop humbling yourself, Amelia. You saved us. If you have any request, I\'ll grant it, be it anything," Poul offered.

"Thank you, Mr. Nielsen. In that case, I\'ll return to you once I have decided on something." 

Poul nodded and grabbed Sara\'s hand, caressing it. "You did a great job too, Sara." 

Sara smiled tenderly, and Amelia couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Well, maybe it\'s time for her to let go of that feeling as Poul already loved someone. 

"I\'ll be leaving you two alone, Mr. Nielsen, Ms. Olsen," Amelia bowed her head. 

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