Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 82


The next day, many of the citizens who came to the New Age Inn were talking about the altercation that happened outside. Not that anyone knew the details, outside of the fact that a guard had been hurt, but occasionally, Keiko would hear someone say something like "hey, did you see the blood outside?" 

In addition, a few guards came into the inn and were currently asking Caroline what happened. The reason Keiko knew this was because she and Haruna were having breakfast in the main room. 

"So, you don\'t know what happened?" A guard asked. 

"Nope, didn\'t see anything," Caroline shrugged.

"Seriously?" The guard asked. This conversation had been going on for a few minutes. Of course, with the blood they\'d found right outside of the inn, naturally, they questioned some of the workers.

"Mhm," Caroline nodded, crossing her arms. "I told you what happened, love. We heard someone cry out, I ran outside and by the time I came out, there was no one there." 

By the look on the guard\'s face, Keiko could tell he was buying exactly none of this. 

"Someone next door may have seen what happened. You should check with them." 

"Hm..." The guard stared at her for a second before sighing. "Noted. Thank you for your time." 

The guard left the building and Caroline walked over to Keiko. 

"Thank you," Keiko said, bowing a little. "I appreciate it, but, why?" 

"If I\'m being honest," Caroline whispered, "I don\'t really care for the guards." She gestured at the rest of the inn. "You remember the guy who was next to me when you first came?" She pointed at him. The shirtless boy wearing the black hat. 

"Uhm, yes?" 

"He\'s my best friend. His name\'s Tye. We started this place together after his dad passed away. Built this place up from nothing. But," Caroline smiled, as if the memories were passing right in front of her face, "we wanted to do it our way. There are other inns in the city, but we wanted to be special. So, we made it a hangout spot too. Set up some musicians to come through every weekend, a separate room for, well,  special offers. And, you can imagine, a lot of people hated us." 

"Why?" Keiko asked. 

"Because, in a place where everyone\'s focused on work every day, it\'s not normal to stand out like that. Slowly but surely though, we started getting customers. Mostly traveling merchants and nomads. Some of the businesses around us saw the people we were attracting and changed to match, using the same kinds of signs, bright colors, and stuff like that." Caroline chuckled. "A looooot of people hated us though. And the guards were among them. A few times, we nearly came to blows. So, yeah, I\'m not too fond of guards."

Keiko looked away for a moment. 

Standing out in the worst way, huh? 

Her time back at the compound, before she\'d unlocked her Spirit Eye, passed through her mind.  I can understand why that\'s not optimal. 

"Eh, I figured it was going to be a busy morning, but still. You..." She leaned over the table. "Who are you? Are you a soldier or something?" 

Keiko shook her head. She didn\'t add anything to that though. Mostly, because she didn\'t feel like talking much today.

"Hm, well you got to that level somehow," Caroline said. "But, alright, keep your secrets." 

With that, Caroline went to attend someone else who had just arrived. Keiko, who had finished her breakfast, looked down at her own hands. 

"Feeling better?" She asked. Considering the guard who had tried to rob her and the thieves she\'d seen get executed, Keiko gave a follow-up question. 

"In what sense?" Keiko asked. 

"Your body." 

"Oh." Keiko nodded. "Y-Yes, I\'m still a little sore, but I can fight." 

"Okay. Are you ready to go then? Or, is there anything else you want to do here?"

Keiko mulled it over, crossing her legs. She doubted she\'d find anything about Zayama magic here, and she wasn\'t particularly interested in roaming the streets the same way she had the day prior. So, she shook her head, wanting to get back to proper work.

"Then, we\'ll go back to the castle as soon as we\'re done here," Haruna said. "We\'ll try again a few times and see if we can find a new strategy for you." 


Later, the two of them stood up and began to walk out of the building. Caroline walked over to Keiko before they could leave though. 

"Leaving already?" She asked. 


"Aw," Caroline put her hands on her hips. "That\'s disappointing. But," she winked, "if you come to Onyx again, feel free to hang out here. We didn\'t get to show you everything we offer."

Keiko raised a brow. 

"Uh, okay." 

Hm. I don\'t think I will. Keiko thought.  Nothing against the inn, but I don\'t think I like Onyx. At all, actually. 

And with that, they were out of the inn. 


Keiko felt the spear Haruna had bought for her as she twirled it in her hands, trying to get used to it. The two of them were walking through the woods, nearing the Zayama Castle in the distance. 

"So," Haruna started, "what happened last night?" She asked. 

"... Nothing much." 

"You sure? If you want to talk about it, I\'m willing to listen." 

Keiko sighed. 

"Nothing to talk about, really. A guard and his friends tried to rob me." 

"Oh... Are these people still with us?" She asked. 

"Yes, I didn\'t kill any of them. At least, as far as I know." 

She had assumed that they healed the guard after that, but of course, she didn\'t know for certain. 

Haruna nodded, not saying anything in response, and that was the end of that. 

As they arrived at the Zayama Castle for a second time, Keiko felt almost none of the eagerness and excitement she\'d felt the first time. Mostly, she just wanted to get this done. 

It was childish, but more than anything, she just wanted to go back to Jade and lay down for a few days. However, she forced herself to keep walking alongside her teacher.

Strategy-wise,  she thought,  I guess I\'ll try the same thing. At first, anyway. But, if that fails, what else can I do?  She wondered. 

They walked in, heading past the Zayama Warrior on the first level, and the two enemies of the second, moving straight to the third. Here, the Zayama Mage\'s armor remained on the floor, waiting to be roused. 

Keiko stepped forwards. 

"... Are you sure you want to go first?" Haruna asked. 

"Yeah," Keiko thought. "Is that okay?" 

"If you want to, I\'d advise you to let me go first though, so you can remember what the enemy does." 

"It\'s alright," Keiko thought. "I remember. The teleportation, the bolt of lightning, the wind weapon. I know what to expect." 

"Hm... Okay," Haruna said. "Go ahead then." 

Keiko nodded. 

With that, she walked forward. 


[Yes] [No]

She tapped the Yes option and saw the creature\'s armor floating up. Unsheathing her sword, Keiko waited. She didn\'t want to try the spear yet. 

In truth, she had no expectation of winning this fight on this attempt. 

But, she was still going to try it because, now that she was rested, she had a new strategy. That was, to brute force her way to the next floor. 

Not because it was a particularly smart strategy, but because she wanted to move on already. 

The armor in front of her slowly became the mage she had to fight. Its legs, its arms, then its torso and its head. Blue smoke linking it all together. 

Level 25

MP: 200/200

Keiko took a deep breath, holding her sword in front of her. 

"Iridos." She said. 

The Zayama Mage separated its feet, placing them shoulder length apart. And then, the fight began. 

"Shiron."  The Zayama Mage pulled a hand back and pushed it forwards, sending lightning towards her. Keiko dodged to the side and charged towards it. "Tiron." 

It teleported. Using her Spirit Eye, Keiko saw that it would move to her right, and she slid to a halt, changing directions and running towards where it now was. 

Then, something happened. Keiko reached it. 

"Caron." The creature materialized a short blade made of wind and as Keiko went to slash it, their weapons connected. 

I... I reached it. 

Keiko attacked twice. She slashed two times and the creature deflected both strikes. Keiko was then kicked back. She fell to the floor and rolled, as the creature began to prepare another spell. 

"Shi-" Before it could finish though, Haruna ran in and stabbed it. 

EXP Gained: 30

EXP: 30/250

Keiko, however, wasn\'t even angry about the outcome. That phrase went through her mind over and over again.  I reached it! 

"Well, that was a good try. Now, if you want, take a moment and let me go so you can..." 

"No!" Keiko said, standing up. She took a few breaths and shook her head. "I\'m going to try again." 

Haruna gave her a strange look. She was almost impressed. 

"I can feel it," Keiko added. "I\'m getting closer. Just... Let me try again." 

Haruna heard her and then shrugged. 

"Alright. Go ahead." 

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